Vampire Mine (Love at Stake #10)

Vampire Mine (Love at Stake #10) Page 17
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Vampire Mine (Love at Stake #10) Page 17

Doona even think about it. He was a condemned man, already on the list for hell. An angel could never care for him, not one as beautiful as Marielle. At least he suspected his secrets were safe. Shed been too busy protecting her own thoughts to even attempt to breach the thick wall hed taken five centuries to build.

He led her toward the street. Are ye all right?

Yes. She peered to the right. The nursing home is that way.

Apparently, theyd arrived at one of the main streets in this town for it was fairly busy. Cars drove by in a steady stream. Other cars were parked along the street. The sidewalk was wide, and street lamps illuminated a long line of shops with colorful signs and awnings.

Pedestrians walked by in small groups, chatting and laughing. Horns blared in the distance. The scent of grilled meat drifted from a nearby restaurant.

Across the street, a wrought-iron fence separated the sidewalk from a garden. A large arch spanned an opening in the fence with the words Hudson Park painted across it. A man in a security uniform was closing and locking the gate.

Lets find the nursing home, Connor said. I want to see how close you managed to get us.

There are too many humans here, she whispered. Im afraid Ill hurt someone.

Stay close to the storefronts. Ill make sure no one touches you. Except me. He hooked her hand around his elbow and led her down the street.

She clung to his arm, her shoulders hunched with tension as she watched mortals pass by.

He recalled the way her touch had activated the toilet and bathroom sink. It seemed like an odd gift for an angel of death to possess. Does yer touch always kill?

She frowned. My touch used to heal, but now . . . She shook her head. It was hard for me to adjust to being a Deliverer. The job isnt meant to be destructive, although humans tend to see it that way. We deliver souls, giving them comfort and companionship as they cross over.

But when ye touch someone, they die.

She sighed. The touch itself doesnt destroy. It releases energy, enough energy to set the soul free. And when all the energy is gone, the body ceases to be.

I see. So when it came to mechanical objects, her touch released energy, making things work until the energy ran out.

After a few blocks, she relaxed and looked curiously about. This is amazing. Ive never done this before.

Walk down a street?

She smiled. I like the way you say down. Her smile widened when he rolled his eyes. And no, Ive never walked dune a street. We usually come to complete an assignment, and then leave. Oh, look. She stopped to peer into the window of a gift shop.

Connor checked to see what was catching her eye. It was a sun catcher in the shape of an angel with crystal wings and a golden halo.

He smiled. Och, will ye look at that. Yere famous.

She laughed, and the sound warmed his heart.

Her head turned when a young woman walked past them eating an ice cream cone. What is that?

Ice cream. He slapped himself mentally. She was probably hungry. Hed made her work for several hours, and he hadnt even thought about feeding her. Ye should try some.

He spotted the ice cream parlor two shops down and led her inside. Two human customers were at the counter, and she tugged at his arm.

Doona fash, he whispered. He positioned himself between her and the customers. They received their orders and wandered off to a table in the corner.

He stepped up to the counter. A cone, please.

The lad behind the counter took one look at his kilt and smirked. Whatever you say, man. What flavor?

Connor ignored the pimply-faced youth and turned to Marielle. What kind would ye like?

There are so many to choose from. She wandered down the freezer, peering through the window, then jerked upright with a smile. Chocolate.

Connor smiled back. One scoop of chocolate for the lady.

The one wearing the pants in the family? the lad muttered as he scooped up a ball of chocolate ice cream.

Connor narrowed his eyes. He was sorely tempted to cuff the young whelp on his head, but he wanted to get the ice cream for Marielle.

She edged closer to him and whispered loudly, Did I ever tell you how much I love your kilt?

Nay. He wondered if she was telling the truth or putting on a show for the rude employee. Do ye really?

Oh yes. She nodded seriously. It makes me think about . . . giving you a blow job.

The lad squeaked and dropped the scoop of ice cream on the floor. Dont worry! Ill get you another one. He hunched over, digging furiously at the ice cream, his face bright red.

Connor arched a brow at Marielle, and she looked away, her cheeks blushing. He bit his lip to keep from laughing out loud.

The lad completed the cone and reached toward Marielle.

I got it. Connor grabbed the cone, then passed it on to Marielle. How much do I owe you?

The lad told him, then lowered his voice. Thats an awesome kilt, dude. Where did you get it?

In Edinburgh. Connor retrieved some money from his sporran and handed it to the lad, who looked perplexed. Thats in Scotland.

Oh, right. Thats like . . . far away, huh?

Ye could probably order one online, Connor muttered as he dropped the change into his sporran.

Thats right! The lad grinned. Thanks, dude. He glanced at Marielle, then gave Connor two thumbs up.

He found himself grinning as he led Marielle from the store and down the sidewalk. I appreciate what ye did, lass, but there are certain things ye doona talk about in public. For instance, blow He glanced at her and jerked to a stop.

Holy Christ Almighty, she was running her tongue all over the scoop of ice cream. A bead of chocolate drizzled down the cone. She caught it with the tip of her tongue, then dragged her tongue up the side of the cone.

His groin tightened. Good Lord, he whispered.

She licked her lips. Would you like some of this?

God, yes. Nay. He frowned at the cone she was extending toward him. It would probably make me ill.

Oh, thats a shame cause its really good. Though Im not quite sure how to eat it. She opened her mouth, molded her lips around the entire scoop, and sucked on it.

He groaned.

She gave him a worried look. Are you all right?

He looked away. I will be. Where is the nursing home? And do they have ice packs?

Its on the other side of the street. Just past the park.

All right. He walked slowly down the sidewalk, trying his best to ignore the sucking and slurping noises she was making. The ladies didnt need to give her any instructions. She was a natural.

In spite of the growing discomfort in his kilt, he found himself smiling again. She had purposely embarrassed herself in the ice cream shop in order to lend him support.

A loud noise drew his attention. Someone was having trouble starting a car that was parked half a block up the street. The engine made a whirring sound, then died. He caught the words of the distraught woman inside the car.

Please, please start! Dont die on me now. Please, just get me home, she wailed. Oh God, help me!

He took Marielle by the elbow and maneuvered her over to the car. Lets cross the street here.

Okay. She took a bite out of the cone, then stepped off the curb.

He pretended to bump into her, causing her to stumble against the cars rear bumper. Sorry.

The car started, and the woman inside squealed with joy.

He bit his lip to keep from laughing as he pulled Marielle back onto the sidewalk. Are ye all right?

She nodded and took another bite into the cone. This is really good. Im sorry you cant have any.

He grinned. Im fine.

She studied him as she chewed. Are you usually this happy?

Nay. He watched the car drive off. I havena been this happy in centuries.

You look very handsome when you smile.

The tenderness in her eyes nearly melted his heart. Come. He took her hand in his and led her across the street.

By the time she finished her ice cream cone, they were standing in front of the nursing home.

We arrived too far away, he said. Well try again tomorrow night.

She tilted her head back to gaze at the stars. It was a good passing. His family and friends were by his side.

Ye can sense that?

She nodded, still gazing at the night sky. Hes very happy to be with his wife again. He lost her to cancer a few years ago and missed her sorely. That sort of love is amazing, dont you think?

His chest grew tight.

She closed her eyes and breathed deeply. Can you feel it?

Feel what?

So much love. Hes surrounded with it. A tear rolled down her cheek. Glory to God in the Highest.

Something jabbed at his chest, causing a crack in his defenses. He lifted a hand to wipe the tear from her face, but stopped. How could he even touch her? She was so perfect, and he was so flawed. And yet, he wanted her so much. He lowered his hand.

She opened her eyes and smiled at him.

Christ Almighty, he was falling for her. We should teleport back. He looked around. The parking lot was too visible from the busy street. The park. It looked empty and dark. Come. He motioned for her to follow.

The side gate was locked with a chain, but with a quick jerk, the chain broke. He led her inside.

They walked down a brick path, flanked by brilliant yellow and red flowers. In the distance, he could see fruit trees bursting with spring flowers. He breathed deeply of the scented air. This was a night he would cherish for centuries.

She sighed. Its lovely.

Aye. He stopped by a water fountain. Are ye thirsty? He pushed the button, and a spray of water arched into a basin.

She took a drink, then rinsed her hands, and they resumed their leisurely walk.

When they reached a crossroads, she halted with a gasp. Is that a carousel?

She ran up to the low fence that surrounded it. Look at all the different animals. I love it.

Would ye like to ride on it?

She waved a dismissive hand. Its closed.

He leaped over the low fence. Come on. He grabbed her by the waist, lifted her over the fence, and deposited her next to him.

Connor, its not working.

He jumped onto the carousel platform and extended a hand to her. Trust me.

She placed her hand in his. He pulled her onto the platform, and it lurched into motion.

She gasped, stumbling to the side, but he steadied her. Music blared around them, a waltz played by a pipe organ. All the twinkling white lights came on.

Good heavens. Her eyes widened with astonishment. Its so beautiful.

Come. He led her to a white unicorn with a golden horn and saddle.

It was moving up and down, making it difficult for her to mount, so he levitated her up and placed her on the saddle. She tilted her head back and laughed.

When he climbed onto the horse next to her, she looked at him and laughed some more. Connor, youre riding a pink horse with a garland of flowers.

He glanced down and frowned. Bugger.

She laughed again, and his frown turned into a smile. When had he ever smiled this much in one evening? Never, not even as a human. Life had been too harsh back then, and survival had been a constant challenge.

He watched Marielle, marveling over the expression of pure joy on her face. What was really amazing was hed had a part in causing her joy. After centuries of misery and remorse, he hadnt even thought himself capable of joy.

Or love. His heart squeezed. Christ, he was falling hard.

Hey! a voice yelled over the music. What the hell are you doing here? The park is closed.

As the carousel swung around, he spotted the security guard taking out a cell phone.

Im calling the police!

Marielle gasped. Are we in trouble?

He jumped down from his horse and grabbed her. Trust me. He teleported, taking her with him.

They materialized eighty yards away. The carousel instantly went dark. The music and motion ground to a stop.

The security guard stared. What the hell?

Connor shot a surge of vampire mind control at him. Nothing happened. Yell go home, remembering nothing.

The guard wandered off toward the front gate. Connor smiled at Marielle and led her farther into the park. His heightened senses had picked up the scent of roses. Sure enough, they were soon in the midst of a rose garden.

Marielle pivoted to look around. Its a piece of heaven. She faced him and grinned. Thank you. Ill always remember this night.

So will I. He plucked a budding rose and handed it to her.

With a laugh, she accepted it. The bud unfurled into a large, beautiful blossom. But then it withered and turned brown. She dropped it with a horrified gasp.

Bugger. He should have known that would happen.

She stepped back. I killed it. Im sorry.

Nay, I killed it the minute I picked it.

She shook her head. I hate being a Deliverer. I hate it. Tears glimmered in her eyes. All I ever wanted was to be a Healer.

Ye are a Healer. He stepped toward her. Yere healing me.

Her eyes widened.

He moved closer. And closer. Her gaze held steady, never wavering from his face.

Holy Christ Almighty, he shouldnt do this. It would give her a chance to see into the black pit in his soul. She might learn what a rotten, coldhearted bastard he really was.

He touched her cheek. She didnt pull away.

Doona do it! He slid his hand around the back of her neck. Are ye going to stop me?

No, she whispered, and touched his chest.

And he was lost.

Chapter Thirteen

Marielles heart was pounding and melting at the same time. Her mind considered that unlikely, but she couldnt deny something was happening to her. Something different from last night.

Those kisses had been demanding, and Connors passion had left her weak in the knees and hardly able to think. Shed been instantly swept into a storm of glorious sensations, making her intensely aware of her new human body.

Now, somewhere in her bedazzled mind, she knew this kiss was different. He was tender. Hesitant. Almost . . . fearful. And in every gentle movement of his lips, she could sense why. He cares for you.

With a moan, she wrapped her arms around his neck. She wanted him to know how much she cared, too. When he deepened the kiss, she melted into it. When he ran the tip of his tongue against her lips, she opened and let him inside.

Her intent had been to give, but with a small shock, she realized she was receiving, too. With each invasion of his tongue, she felt a spark sizzle down her body. It made her tremble. It made her want more.

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