Midnight Pleasures (Wild Wulfs of London #0)

Midnight Pleasures (Wild Wulfs of London #0) Page 36
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Midnight Pleasures (Wild Wulfs of London #0) Page 36

Elise hid inside of the wagon. Would someone at the coach inn recognize her? Would her uncle be there, asking about her? He surely knew she was missing by now, and a man could travel by horseback much faster than by wagon. What was Elise to do? She'd told Sterling that she would not wear the ridiculous costume and perform with the troupe. He'd suggested that she use her money to hire a hackney and return to London, but she couldn't return to her uncle.

The door suddenly swung open and Sterling climbed up into the wagon. "I've brought you breakfast since you were sleeping so soundly when we arrived."

"Are we at the coach inn?" she asked, gratefully accepting the food.

"Not far. The proprietor doesn't mind us entertaining his patrons, but he doesn't want us too close to the inn. Says a man's personal belongings have a way of walking off when our sort come around."

Elise didn't know what to say. She turned her attention to the meal.

"I suppose you'll be going to the inn. You probably have enough coin for a night's stay and a hackney to carry you back to London."

The thick stew stuck in her throat. She swallowed with difficulty. "I cannot go back to London. I cannot go to the inn. I might run across an acquaintance of my uncle's or, worse, the man himself."

Sterling sighed. "Then that would be all the better. Your uncle could see you safely home."

Her temper rose. Elise set her plate beside her on the cot and stood. "I have told you before, I have no intention of returning to my uncle, or to the marriage he has planned for me."

Sterling lifted a brow. "Then what are your intentions?"

"I-I don't know yet," she answered. "I beg you to allow me the shelter of your wagon until I come up with a suitable plan."

He stared at her for a moment, then his gaze lowered to her lips. "You don't know how to beg." Sterling traced the shape of her mouth. "You don't even know how to use your womanly wiles on a man to get what you want."

Her lips trembled beneath his fingertips. Elise wanted to jerk away from him... and yet some part of her enjoyed his touch, the fire that had leaped to life in his eyes. She remembered the kiss they had shared. He'd made her feel things inside that no other man had made her feel.

"I do not care to practice vulgar or deceptive methods with men."

He leaned closer. "Then you'll never make a veil dancer. You'd have to understand the effect you have on men, understand it and use it to your advantage."

Did she affect him? He certainly affected her. Elise tried to step back, but her knees met with the cot. "I have no desire to become a performer. I explained that quite clearly to you."

Lifting a lock of her hair, he said, "And I explained that in order to stay with the troupe, you must pull your weight. I cannot go back on my word to Philip. I told him that you would dance to earn your way. If you will not dance, then you must leave."

Panic engulfed her, over either his words or how close his face was to hers. "At least let me go to the inn under the cover of darkness. With the hood of my cape pulled over my head, maybe I can disguise myself until I see if my uncle or anyone else who might recognize me is about."

His face moved closer. "A kiss will grant you sanctuary until nightfall. A farewell gesture."

Her cheeks blazed, as well as other parts of her body. She should slap his arrogant face, but this was not a London drawing room and he was not a gentleman. She had no idea what her plans would entail now that she would be cast from the caravan, but she would in all likelihood never see the Beast Tamer again. He waited, his mouth hovering ever so close to hers, and she sensed that he expected her to flee - run from the wagon and to the inn, as he wanted her to do.

Elise could be shocking as well when the mood suited her. The mood suited her at the moment. She closed the distance between their lips.

The slight pressure of her mouth against his ignited a fire that Sterling had never felt burn so intensely. Her scent wafted up to him, sweet, like the soap she washed with each evening. Her lips were soft - her innocence inflamed his very soul. He loved the taste and smell of her, the feel of her when he pulled her against him. He could never have her, cursed the way he was.

He should frighten her away... send her back to where she belonged. Danger lay in wait for a tempting young morsel such as Elise. Better he prove that to her now, while she had the chance to return to her uncle. With her best interests in mind, Sterling forced her mouth open beneath his. He was not gentle about his probing. He expected her to struggle, but she did not. Instead, her arms went around his neck and he felt the shy touch of her tongue against his. The jolt traveled all the way to his toes.

"Kiss a man like that and you're begging for trouble," he said against her mouth.

"You said that I don't know how to beg," she reminded. "And you will not frighten me away... not until I am ready to leave."

"You do not fear me, and you should."

She stared into his eyes thoughtfully. "I believe that you intend for people to be afraid of you. That way, they keep their distance. Why don't you want anyone close to you? What are you afraid of?"

This was not going at all as he had planned. Her bravery and her insight had begun to annoy him. "We can get closer if you desire." Sterling tumbled her backward onto the cot. "Is this close enough?"

Elise's large eyes blinked up at him. "T-This is indecent," she sputtered. "Let me up at once!"

"I am not a gentleman. I fear that you may try to stow away with another man, and feel obligated to show you the probable outcome. Never trust any man. On the inside, we're all beasts."

He expected her to struggle beneath him, to recoil from him at the very least; instead, she reached up and touched his face. "What has happened to you that you should view the world as such a dark place? Has there never been any sunshine in your life?"

She might as well have struck him. There had been sunshine... once, before he knew the truth. She was sunshine, and it sickened him that he would treat her no better than a whore who'd come sniffing for trouble. He rose from the cot and straightened his collar.

"Forgive me," he said, and realized he'd never asked anyone to forgive him for anything. "You are right. I spend too much time in the company of beasts." He turned toward the door, wanting to put distance between them, but only because he felt the distance shrinking. "If you need a disguise, ask Sarah Dobbs. She will help you."

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