Captured (The Captive #1)

Captured (The Captive #1) Page 20
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Captured (The Captive #1) Page 20

Aria watched numbly, she hadn’t moved from the window seat since Jack and Braith had left to attend the banquet. They were needed there, they had to go, and neither of them wanted her anywhere near it. Braith did not think that Max would be brought, but he wasn’t willing to take the chance. No one knew how Max was going to react when he saw that Jack was one of the royal family, they did not need her presence there to complicate things.

The only problem was that they hadn’t settled anything before they left, and now she felt lost, confused, torn between her family and a man she was beginning to realize that she loved. She didn’t know when she had started to love him; she supposed it had been the night that he had comforted her after Lauren’s attack. It had been cemented by the sight of his beautiful, wounded eyes.

But what did that mean? Where did that leave her? All of them?

If she stayed here, she would forfeit her family, friends, and freedom forever. She would also have to die, probably sooner rather than later. If she left, she would be back with her loved ones, back in the life that she cherished so much, but she would be leaving a big piece of herself behind. A piece she didn’t think she would ever find again, in fact she was certain that she wouldn’t.

She thought it should be an easy choice, her home, her life and her family, or a life in a place that she didn’t understand, that was cruel, and frightening. It wasn’t even close to being easy though. Not when it meant that she would never see Braith again, never touch him or hold him or feel him again. That thought left her cold, empty, torn between freedom and a short, sweet life.

She wanted to cry, but she found that the tears would not come. Her eyes were as dry and empty as a desert. She sat for hours, unable to move as the sweet sounds of music drifted softly up from below. The sun had set awhile ago; it was late when Braith returned. She hadn’t realized that she had drifted off until she felt his arms wrapping around her. He lifted her gently from the window seat, cradling her lightly against his chest.

“Braith?” she whispered, though she knew it was. She would know him anywhere.

“Go back to sleep love.”

She curled closer against his chest, savoring in his strength and scent. Her fingers threaded inside of his coat, pushing aside the buttons on his shirt to rest her palm against his hard chest and slightly cooler skin. She sighed in contentment as her hand came into contact with his skin, caressing him lightly. It was such a wonderfully safe and secure moment that she never wanted it to end.

He placed her lightly upon his bed, pressing a soft kiss against her forehead before pulling slowly away from her. She watched through half closed eyes as he disappeared into the bathroom, pulling his coat off and tossing it aside. He disappeared from view, she listened as he moved about, fighting against the deep pull of sleep that wanted to claim her.

He was back again before she knew it, his hand upon her shoulder. “Do you want me to take your dress off?” he asked softly.

Her mouth went dry, her heart leapt wildly in her chest as fear and excitement tore through her. It was only then she realized that Maggie had not returned, he must have told her to stay away for the night. Sleep was officially forgotten in the face of his question. Did she want him to take her dress off? The relief on her ribs would be wonderful, yet the intimacy of it was terrifying.

She swallowed heavily, before nodding slowly. She was wearing a slip beneath the dress, it was just as covering as the nightgowns, and she really wanted the damn strings untied. And truth be told, she really wanted him to continue touching her. His hands were gentle upon her as he slipped the ties free, allowing her to breathe easily for the first time in hours. She heaved a sigh of relief.

“Why did you wear this thing with your ribs?” he inquired softly.

“You picked out,” she reminded him.

He stared at her for a moment, his eyes bright in the dark of the room. “I didn’t know it was like this, I simply liked the color. I thought it would like nice on you. You could have said no.”

She lay on the bed for a moment, breathing slowly in and out, relishing the full air within her lungs. “Maggie suggested it, but I didn’t think it would look right if I went against the dress you chose for me.”

He cursed softly as he sat back, his hand resting lightly upon her arm. He was no longer looking at her but staring into the dark. She knew he was wondering if it would be best for her to leave, and the thought terrified her. He turned slowly back to her, his hand stroking over her arm for a moment before he lifted her easily to her feet. Aria stared at him in surprise, her mouth parting slightly. His full mouth curved into a hard smile as he slid the dress down her, letting it pool at her feet on the ground. Her face flared with heat, she ducked it away from him as she stepped out of the material.

For the first time she truly noticed that his legs were bare, as was his chest, he wore only a pair of shorts. Her eyes widened, her mouth went dry, and her heart thumped with barely contained excitement as she stared breathlessly at him. “Arianna?”

She glanced up at him from beneath lowered lashes, struggling to control her embarrassment but failing miserably. “My friends call me Aria,” she said, for lack of anything else to say, or do.

His hand was gentle as it caressed her cheek, tilting her face so that she had to look up at him. “We’re a little more than friends, don’t you think?” he asked softly.

Her eyes widened, her heart leapt into her throat. There were no more words left in her, there was nothing she could say to that, because it was true. They were more than friends, and at that moment she would have done anything he wanted. She stepped closer to him, resting her hands on his bare chest, marveling at the broad, well muscled expanse as her fingers trailed slightly over it. He was unmoving beneath her touch, letting her explore him as she saw fit. She wanted to touch all of him, but her hands froze upon the hard ridges of his sculpted abdomen.

His hand caressed her cheek; he pulled her forward, kissing her forehead gently as he held her lightly against him. “You’re beautiful Arianna.”

She blinked in surprise, her mouth dropping. No one had ever said that to her, and though she knew it wasn’t true, she couldn’t stop the thrill of pleasure that raced through her at his words. It seemed as if he had even meant it. “No Braith, but thank…”

“Yes Arianna, to me, you’re the most beautiful woman in the world.”

Tears burned in her eyes, she searched his gaze, but all she saw was honesty and need radiating back at her. Her fingers curled against his skin, love bloomed rapidly through her chest. She couldn’t fight the tidal wave of emotion that was taking her over. The need in his eyes, she realized, was more than sexual though, there was a burning hunger in his gaze that puzzled her. Then, she knew what it was, what he so desperately needed and wanted from her.

What she could give to him in order to help ease that hunger.

“Did you feed tonight Braith?” His eyes flickered slightly, his hand convulsed slightly on her cheek. She seized hold of his hand, pressing it tighter to her cheek. “Why not?” she inquired softly.

He shook his head, his eyes closing for a brief moment. “I cannot feed as often as I once did,” he replied.

She frowned at him, confused by his words, than a dawning realization swamped her. “Because if you did, they would wonder what you were doing with me,” she said softly. “What use I was if you were feeding off of everyone else.”

He didn’t say anything, just looked beyond her at the back wall. His jaw clenched tighter, his hand trembled upon her cheek before he wound it slowly into her hair. “It’s more than that Arianna,” he said softly.

She tilted her chin back, drinking in the sight of him. He was magnificent, perfect, and for now, in this moment, it was just the two of them. There was no blood slave and master, there was no Jack and Max, even her forest and family did not exist. It was just them, and they didn’t have to worry or fear anything else, not here.

“What is it then?”

He bent closer to her, his mouth just inches from hers, his eyes intent upon hers. His hand entangled lightly in her hair, pulling her head slightly to the side. His other hand lightly traced her pounding pulse, and jumping vein. His finger lingered upon her, his eyes dilated to near pin points as hunger oozed from him. “Your blood is the only blood I’ve wanted since I set eyes on you. Nothing else could completely satisfy me.”

A sob caught in her throat. She could only stare at him in wide eyed wonder as he bent to place a kiss against her throat. His lips were soft, gentle, loving, but beneath them she could feel the hard press of his fangs. He tried to keep them from her, tried not to let her know that they were there, but she did know, and even more than that, everything in her thrilled at the thought of them. Her blood pumped harder, goose bumps broke out across her skin. Her hands curled against his hard muscles as he dropped soft kisses along her neck, her cheek, before brushing softly against her lips.

Aria’s knees trembled, she was shaking against him, barely able to stand as his tongue lightly touched upon her lips. She gasped, her mouth parted eagerly to the invasion of his tongue. His arm locked around her waist as he lifted her off her feet, keeping her pressed tight against him. Aria wrapped her arms around his neck, clinging to him as he laid her upon the bed, leveling himself slowly over top of her.

The weight of him was wonderful, everything about him was wonderful. She never wanted this moment to end, never wanted any of this to stop. She wished that she could freeze time, that she could simply lay here, with him, and enjoy the wonder of this moment. She wished that they would never have to face the world, or any of the horrible things in it, ever again. Though thoughts of the real world tried to intrude, she pushed them aside. No matter what happened, she was going to enjoy this night. They were going to have one moment of pure happiness and peace.

His kiss became more urgent, desperate. She could feel the hunger that he radiated, the need. Her head was spinning; her body was completely out of control as she clung to him, using him as an anchor to a world that was as crazed as a tornado. His hands stroked her gently, moving over her in a whisper of a caress that caused her to tremble everywhere. His lips were upon her neck, his teeth skinning over her throat, but he did not bite.

And he would not, she realized, unless she gave him permission too.

She was shaking, close to tears as she turned her head, burying her face in his strong neck. She kissed him softly, clinging to his arms as she tried to stabilize herself, tried to keep herself grounded though she knew it was impossible. “It’s ok,” she whispered. “It’s ok.”

He didn’t seem to hear her at first, as he didn’t stop kissing her ear. Then his arms locked tight, the corded muscles stood out in them as he froze. He didn’t move for a long moment, and then he drew slightly back from her. She caressed his face, pushing his dark locks aside as she traced the scars circling his eyes. “Arianna?”

Her fingers moved over his cheekbones, then down to the hard curve of his full mouth. She trailed over his lips, but he recoiled slightly when she touched upon the long teeth beneath them. “Don’t,” she said softly, refusing to let him pull away from her. His forehead furrowed in confusion, but he didn’t try and pull any further away from her. She was stunned to realize that the sensation of running her fingers over his pointed teeth was tantalizing and wonderful. She was not at all frightened by it, as she thought she would be. Instead, she wanted more of him. So much more. “It’s ok,” she said again, her fingers stilling on his teeth. “You’re hungry, and I can ease that. I want this Braith.”

“Arianna.” His voice was a low pain filled moan as he dropped his head into her shoulder. His shoulders shook beneath her; the tension in him was almost palpable. “You don’t know what you’re asking for.”

“Yes I do, I’m asking for you.” His shaking increased; his hands no longer ran over her as he froze, his hand cradling the back of her head. Her heart swelled with love, with need. He was fighting so hard against himself, restraining himself because he was afraid that he might hurt her, when she was willingly offering him the one thing he needed most. “It’s ok.”

She grasped hold of the back of his head, gently turning it toward the hollow of her neck. His muscles were shaking as he pressed his long fangs against her rapid pulse. “It’s yours Braith, I’m yours. Take it. Take me. I want to be the one that satisfies you, not them.”

He groaned loudly, and then his arms seized tightly around her. She felt the snapping in him, the point where he lost control and his hunger and desire took over. He reared back slightly before striking. Arianna gasped, her fingers dug sharply into his back as his teeth punctured through her skin and struck deep into her vein. For a moment the entire world blurred, she could think of nothing, and see nothing except for him. He was everywhere, over her, in her, a part of her as he bit deeper, his teeth sinking into her completely.

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